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Africa - Niger - Hamani Fodi and millet

Niger is the largest country in Western Africa. Around 80 per cent of it is covered by the Sahara desert and the non-desert parts frequently suffer droughts and food shortages.

CAFOD's work in Niger

Your donations are reaching refugee families and those without enough to eat. Your support is helping local experts to:

  • run nutrition centres for malnourished children

  • pay people in cash or food to work on projects that benefit their communities

  • provide low-cost grain and giving food to the most vulnerable

  • organise seed fairs, so that farmers can get seeds to plant in the next farming season

  • support refugees who have fled from conflict in Libya and Mali.

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What we do

CAFOD is the official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

With your help, we reach out to people living in hard-to-reach places, in war zones and those who are discriminated against.