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Build bridges, not walls

Build bridges, not walls

The government’s Illegal Migration Act goes against everything that Pope Francis has called us to be.

Sign our letter to the Prime Minister

Every year, thousands of people die crossing borders as they try to find safety.

But instead of welcoming them, the UK government is pushing the Illegal Migration Bill through Parliament and wants to deport migrants to Rwanda.

Build bridges, not walls

Pope Francis

The Illegal Migration Bill will effectively shut the door for the vast majority of people needing to claim asylum. It means families fleeing war or facing persecution will be turned away and told they are not welcome.

This new Act will cause immeasurable harm to people seeking sanctuary. Please sign and share our open letter to the Prime Minister.

UK - Westminster - Shoe display for Share the Journey migration campaign 2018

Thousands of shoes from migrants and refugees were displayed outside Westminster Cathedral to raise awareness of Pope Francis's call for us to show solidarity with people fleeing from persecution and poverty

Migration - Illegal Migration Bill campaign 2023 - Web banner.jpg

Stand up for refugees!

The UK government’s newly passed Illegal Migration Act goes against everything that Pope Francis has called us to be.

Please sign and share our open letter to the Prime Minister.