Big Lent Walk
Wednesday 14 February - Saturday 30 March 2024
Sign up for the Big Lent Walk and you'll help communities thrive in even the most difficult environments.
““When you pray go to your private room and, when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in that secret place.” ”
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent.
In Lent we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Easter by looking at our lives and trying to see how we can follow God more closely. Some of the ways we do this are by praying, giving up some things and giving to others.
This Lent, we are also making our journey alongside families around the world living in poverty, especially those who do not have the basic things they need like enough food.
Take some time to pray as a family as Lent begins.
You may also like to set up a family prayer space to help you focus over Lent- you could include a Bible, candle, Cross and some paper and pens.
Wednesday 14 February - Saturday 30 March 2024
Sign up for the Big Lent Walk and you'll help communities thrive in even the most difficult environments.
Visit our children's pages for global activities and games.