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British Council_everything is connected

Suitable for primary and secondary teachers, SLT and aspiring leaders in England and Wales.

Explore our interdependence with our global neighbours and our common home, Earth. Respond to Laudato Si’ with new tools and activities, exploring global learning in fun and engaging ways.  

This course equips you with resources and strategies to help you embed global learning throughout your school. 

Course requirements 

  • This course is open to primary and secondary school staff in England, especially teachers, SLT and aspiring leaders. 

  • The online course takes place over three two-hour sessions. Please ensure you can attend all three sessions. There will be work to complete and implement between each session, which you will share with other participants during the final session.(Flexible format available for school groups.)

Book dates and times to suit your school or cluster; we have flexible formats to suit your needs.

Contact us to find out more

I have found the course to be very informative and it now enables me as an Adviser to be confident in promoting the great work that is being done across this sector. I will be encouraging all Birmingham schools to access this CPD resource, especially as it is currently free. The CPD will enrich the learning and social action opportunities for all teachers and students. I firmly believe, the more people are engaged with it the better, as sustainability, stewardship and service to the needs of others is a constant global concern which we all have a responsibility to address

Richard Smith, RE Adviser for Birmingham Archdiocese

We joined together for our biannual Catholic INSET day. The CAFOD course provided us with an excellent focus for joint learning and supported our shared Catholic mission.  We didn’t just want a day that would give a flash of lightning, where everyone remembered the day but did little with it. We were striving for thunder over time!  Without a doubt the noise has rumbled on afterwards. We would recommend the course to others.

Sarah Smith, Executive Head Teacher of Christ the King and St Cuthbert’s Catholic Academies, Blackpool (Blessed Edward Bamber Multi Academy Trust)