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Get cooking for CAFOD! By holding a curry night, you can have fun, eat some delicious food, and raise funds to transform the lives of people overseas. 

Enfield Malayalee Present Cheque for _1111 to CAFOD representative Tony Sheen

The Enfield Malayalee Association UK (ENMA) has raised cash for CAFOD by organising a special curry night celebrating Indian cuisine.

How to organise your own curry night

1. Get people involved!

Ask your friends and family who can cook (or at least are prepared to have a go!) to get involved. Make sure that people make a variety of curries so that there is a good selection. Buy Fairtrade and organic ingredients where possible.

2. Set up your event

Book the parish hall or other suitable venue and set a date and time. 

3. Promote your curry night

Use social media to spread the word! You could even notify the local press, or put a notice in your parish newsletter. See our top ten tips for more ideas on how to promote your event.  

4. Get cooking!

Ask each of your cooks to share the recipes for their curries, so that people can recreate their favourites. Ask for a donation for recipes which people use.

5. Hold your curry night

When you get together for your event, make sure you spend plenty of time showing of the different curries that have been created. Give people plenty of time to talk about their different flavours and ingredients, and then allow time for comments and questions, but make sure the food doesn’t get cold. Be sure to have a drink or two of your choice ready!

Want to hold other activities during your curry night? How about holding a short quiz, or telling people about the work that CAFOD does overseas

6. Collect and pay in your donations

Pay in your donations through JustGiving, or via our website

Don't forget to post pictures of your event using the tag #cafod, and email to let us know what you've been up to! 

Potato curry recipe


4 medium potatoes, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1 tsp cumin powder, 1 tsp red chilli powder, 3 tbsp vegetable oil, ½ tsp garam masala (optional), 1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander.


Peel the potatoes and half boil them, drain and dice them into cubes.

Add cumin seeds, chopped onion and crushed garlic to a pan and fry in oil until soft.

In a small bowl mix cumin powder and chilli powder and add 3–4 tablespoons of water to make a runny paste. Add this to the onion mixture and cook for one minute. Add chopped potatoes and stir.

Sprinkle salt (to taste) and add 1½–2 cups of water (or more as desired) and cook for 10–12 mins, or until the potatoes are cooked entirely.

Sprinkle garam masala, add chopped coriander and serve.