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Sudan Crisis Appeal

Sudan Crisis Appeal

A year on, the conflict in Sudan has forced millions of people to flee their homes and they are now facing yet another crisis – hunger.

Pay in fundraising

Hold a collection or fundraiser in your parish to get urgent support to families affected by the conflict in Sudan.

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Sudan Crisis

What is happening in Sudan?

The war in Sudan has forced millions of people to flee their homes, creating one of the world’s largest displacement crises. Now the situation has deteriorated rapidly, and those caught up in the middle of the conflict are facing yet another crisis – hunger.

As families fleeing their homes to escape the violence run out of food, water and medicine, the UNCHR reports that, in total, approximately 24.8 million Sudanese (nearly half of the country's population) are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Kayode Akintola, CAFOD's Head of Region for Africa, and Telley Sadia, Country Representative for Sudan, joined us recently to explain what is happening and how we can help.

How can my parish respond to the humanitarian crisis in Sudan?

  1. Hold a collection - Use our downloadable resources below to hold a collection for CAFOD's Sudan Crisis Appeal after Masses in your parish. You can order 'Emergency' collection envelopes from the CAFOD Shop so supporters can Gift Aid their donations too.

  2. Fundraise for CAFOD - Hold a fundraising event in your parish. Come together as a parish to share a simple community lunch, you can find all the resources you need to plan your lunch here, or visit our A-Z of fundraising for an even longer list of ideas. You can also set up a fundraising page on JustGiving.

  3. Pray for peace - Come together as a parish, as we join the Pope in praying for lasting peace and an end to the violence that's destroying lives in Sudan.

  4. Send in your Lent fundraising - Please also remember to send in your recent Lent fundraising – this funding is how we are able to respond quickly when disasters hit.

Pay in fundraising

Sudan Crisis

How your donations are helping in Sudan

  • £5 can provide clean water to a family  

  • £22 can provide essential medicine and hygiene kits  

  • £40 can provide emergency shelter for a refugee family 

  • £50 can provide emergency food packages