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Help us respond to emergencies

Help us respond to emergencies

Make a monthly gift to our Emergency Response Team and reach people as quickly as possible when disaster strikes

Start your monthly gift now

You won't necessarily hear about it on the news, but when a disaster strikes, we work with local experts to get food, water and shelter to survivors as quickly as possible.

From floods, earthquakes and other disasters, a monthly gift to the Emergency Response Team will help with this crucial response.

How your monthly gift will help

Those who live through disasters are ordinary people - mothers, fathers, doctors, teachers - who were just going about their lives when disaster struck. Your help can get them back on track.

In those first few hours and days your monthly gifts will bring food, water, medicine and shelter to hardworking people who have lost everything through no fault of their own.

Working with local experts, and with your support, we support communities long-term with the resources they tell us they need to rebuild their lives.

Join the Emergency Response Team

In times of crisis, an immediate response can make such a difference to people affected. That’s why we are reaching out to ask you to join our Emergency Response Team. By setting up a regular gift, it will help us to respond quickly to support families. And the work won't stop once the immediate danger has passed. Together, we can help people as they rebuild their lives.

The Emergency Response Team has existed for years, but the need has grown. The climate crisis makes severe weather such as cyclones, flooding and droughts more common. But there is always hope.