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World Food Crisis: How your gifts are helping

30 January 2023

Millions of people across Kenya, South Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia are fighting for survival in the face of the most devastating food crisis in decades. These people are from resilient communities, but years of drought caused by the climate crisis means families are no longer able to cope.

Our local experts are on the front line of this crisis in the affected countries and providing support. You’ve not waited for the crisis to hit the headlines and we’ve been humbled and inspired by your incredible response to our World Food Crisis Appeal.

See how your support is helping to make a difference.


South Sudan

In South Sudan you are helping to support displaced families who have fled persecution. Welcomed by another community who generously shared what little food and water they had. Now they face severe drought and climate change meaning that their crops have failed. Your support enables our local Caritas network to provide families with farming tools, seeds for planting and with emergency food distributions. 

I want to say to donors, to people supporting, your support is being acknowledged by the community. The support you are giving is really meaningful and it is helping a lot. From the emergency food, the seeds, the tools you are providing, what you are giving is saving lives.

Peter Mamer Alam, Caritas Rumbek

Marsabit, Kenya

Thanks to support like yours our local experts have been providing food packages to families like Talaso’s. 398 families in Marsabit received food packages between August and December.

Africa - Kenya - Talaso

We had no water or food. We had lost all our livestock and had a lot of problems. It was around this time that I gave birth to my son Ali. I had nothing to eat. At one point, I was so weak, I fell down and fainted. Breastfeeding my child was very hard for me. When the food assistance came, it really helped and now Ali is feeding well. My health and the health of my son have since improved. Even his weight is very good.

Camels drink at the new borehole

Camels drink at the new borehole