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Sorrowful mysteries of the rosary for consolation in difficult times

Sorrowful mysteries

Ayoyo is a volunteer complaints handler at a cast distribution point in Ethiopia where there has been a severe drought.

After the earthquake in Italy in August 2016, Pope Francis asked us to join him in praying to the Lord Jesus, “Who is always moved by compassion before the reality of human suffering, that he may console the broken hearted, and through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, bring them peace.”

As we offer these sorrowful mysteries, we pray for consolation for all in our world who are affected by conflict, natural disaster, hunger, thirst and fear.

Acknowledging that our hearts are broken by the sight of such suffering, we also seek our own consolation in prayer.

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Download the sorrowful mysteries

We invite you to use these sorrowful mysteries to reflect and pray on your own or in your parish or community.

Rosary for an end to hunger

Rosary for an end to hunger

Luminous mysteries of the rosary to dispel the darkness of poverty and commit us to tackle the causes of hunger.