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God of abundance,  
you entrust to our care  
your gift of creation,  
our common home. 
Open our ears to hear 
the cry of the earth  
and the cry of the poor.  

God of justice,  
you show us how to live in  
gratitude and solidarity.  
Open our mouths to speak out,  
challenging greed and inequality, 
and standing up for all among us 
in desperate need of food. 

God of hope,  
you share with us your vision  
of a world renewed.  
Open our hearts to compassion.  
As we hold before you  
the people of East Africa,  
may we reach out in love. 


More prayers on poverty and hunger

Comfort and protect your people

A prayer for food justice

A prayer for people who hunger

As we break bread together

A place at the table

Rosary for an end to hunger

World Food Crisis

World Food Crisis

Together, we can reach out with love to help our sisters and brothers around the world who are facing extreme hunger through no fault of their own.