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Dearest God,
you are our Mother and our Father
and we are all your children.
Open our eyes and our hearts
so that we are able to see you in every one of your children.

May we embrace first ties that bind us to each other
and recognise  that you created us into one family
for compassion, caring and sharing. 

From the time of birth, we need each other;
other human hands lifted us from the womb.
We rely on others to feed us, protect us, teach us and love us into life.
Open our hearts to the needs of your innocent people
suffering from the persistent burden of hunger
and mobilise our spirits to respond to them.
Counter the outrage and anger we feel against injustice with love.

Grant that inspired by the vision of human solidarity,
we may invest our material resources in bringing liberation to the despair of poverty
and returning hope to your children. 

Stir our hearts to compassionate action
that transforms suffering into redemptive love.
Now and for ever more. 


Father Ignatius Ikunza, late director of the Hakimani Jesuit Centre, Kenya

More prayers on food and hunger

All good things come from you

Grace for those who hunger

As we break bread together

Journey with us

At this table

Break the bread, Lord

Enough for everyone

Let us share our feast

On the road to Emmaus