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Find out more about CAFOD through our annual reviews, accountability information, organisational policies, strategies and standards.

For any other information about the way we work and are held accountable, please contact us directly at

Our vision

Our vision

Our Common Home is CAFOD’s strategic framework, offering a unifying vision to inspire us towards transformative change.

Board of trustees

Board of trustees

CAFOD has a board of trustees with a wide range of experiences from Catholic Bishops through to Caritas staff.

Supporter promise

Supporter promise

CAFOD values the trust of our supporters. We don’t tolerate corruption or abuse in any form.

Annual reviews

Annual reviews

Download our Reports of the Trustees and Financial Statements.

Fundraising promise

Fundraising promise

Our fundraising promise outlines how we will behave when doing our fundraising and ensures it is legal, honest, open, transparent and accountable.

Member of the DEC

Member of the DEC

The Disasters Emergency Commitee (DEC) brings 14 leading UK aid charities together in times of crisis, including CAFOD.

CHS Certified

CHS Certified

CAFOD is certified by HQAI against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) for its humanitarian, development and advocacy mandates since 2016.

Standards of good practice

Standards of good practice

CAFOD upholds high standards of organisational, professional and personal conduct.  As well as legislative requirements, we uphold a variety of voluntary codes.



Summaries of CAFOD's international and corporate development projects from 2008-present.