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Summer of Hope

Summer of Hope

With the approach of warmer weather, take advantage of the sunny days and take on a Summer of Hope fundraiser for CAFOD!

Start fundraising on JustGiving


Fundraising for CAFOD means you can change the lives of women, men and children around the world. Find out how to get involved!

Fundraise with your community

Parish fundraising

Join together as a parish to fundraise and help build a world free from hunger.

School fundraising

Explore our resources for unique fundraisers in your primary or secondary school.

Sudan Crisis Appeal 2024

Sudan Crisis Appeal

The war in Sudan has forced millions of people to flee their homes, creating one of the world’s largest displacement crises.

Now the situation has deteriorated rapidly, and those caught up in the middle of the conflict are facing yet another crisis – hunger.

Fundraising events

The Big Pilgrimage

This summer, come and be part of the Big Pilgrimage - the local pilgrimage experience where you decide where you go and how far you walk.

Challenge events

Take on an active challenge for CAFOD! Whether you want to run, walk, trek or cycle, your fundraising will help fight global poverty.

Simple community lunch

Come together as a parish community. Share a simple lunch and raise vital funds for communities living in poverty around the world.


Sponsorship money and collections

Well done on all your fundraising! Whether you have been fundraising on your own, as a parish or in a school, it's quick and easy to pay in the money you've raised.