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Call for your MP to turn the tide on global poverty

Call for your MP to turn the tide on global poverty

With MPs taking their seats at Westminster, let's call on them to play their part in tackling the climate, debt and hunger crises.

Email your MP


CAFOD stands in solidarity with people across the world by campaigning to tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice. Pope Francis has called for us to put our faith into action by building a fairer world and tackling deep seated injustices in our global social, economic, and political systems.

Working together with our brothers and sisters around the world, we campaign to tackle climate change, defend human rights, cancel unjust debts and build a fairer food systems. We also campaign for peace and an end to conflict wherever it arises.

Put your faith in to action and join our campaigns.

With the strength of the Spirit, we need to offer an answer here and now to the cries of the world. To hear them we must go out and be a Church-on-the-move that reaches out like the Good Samaritan.

Pope Francis

Take action with us

All our campaigns are based on in-depth research, listening to people living in poverty, studying the political context and working out possible solutions.

Latest campaigns

Latest campaigns

Learn about our latest campaigns and find new ways to put your faith into action.

Faith in Action in the Jubilee Year

Faith in Action in the Jubilee Year

Join us as we look ahead to the Jubilee Year 2025, hear live from one of our policy experts at COP29 in Azerbaijan, speak to a debt campaigner from Sri Lanka, and meet a new MP.

How to campaign with us

How to campaign with us

You can put your faith into action in many ways. Find out what you can do to support our campaigns in your parish, in school or on your own.

LiveSimply Award

LiveSimply Award

The LiveSimply award enables you to strengthen the bonds of community in your parish or your school, to nourish your spiritual life and care for God's gift of creation.

Latest campaigning news

The impact of Kenyan seed laws on women

The impact of Kenyan seed laws on women

CAFOD and our partner BIBA-Kenya recently conducted research into how Kenya’s 2012 seed law has impacted women, who constitute up to 80% of the country’s agricultural labour force.

FTFS Sunderland uni Oct 2022

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