![Latin America - Honduras - Children from mining communities](https://dk1xrbrcscoor.cloudfront.net/api/images?imageUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.ctfassets.net%2Fvy3axnuecuwj%2F4ff5266a0d03c1b46ae0ceae308f3f16afcbaa9c4881918616f0e60acd6e083d%2F5231ed2de329556b7529daed0795ac57%2F50.jpg&x=62&y=0&width=376&height=281&w=1920&q=60&hash=aW1hZ2VVcmw9aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZpbWFnZXMuY3RmYXNzZXRzLm5ldCUyRnZ5M2F4bnVlY3V3aiUyRjRmZjUyNjZhMGQwM2MxYjQ2YWUwY2VhZTMwOGYzZjE2YWZjYmFhOWM0ODgxOTE4NjE2ZjBlNjBhY2Q2ZTA4M2QlMkY1MjMxZWQyZGUzMjk1NTZiNzUyOWRhZWQwNzk1YWM1NyUyRjUwLmpwZyZ4PTYyJnk9MCZ3aWR0aD0zNzYmaGVpZ2h0PTI4MSZ3PTE5MjAmcT02MD09RUZnVEJqUDV6NEE5YXFZMzdteUxTTE5C)
Elena Rosemary & Maira Lisette from Palos Ralos, which was relocated to make way for the Entre Mares goldmine.
CAFOD has worked in Honduras since the 1960s. One of the poorest countries in the world, we work in Honduras to alleviate poverty, promote gender equality, and support indigenous communities in their fight for land rights.
Why CAFOD works in Honduras
Honduras is one of the poorest, most unequal countries in the world with approximately six out of ten people living in poverty.
Limited access to land in Honduras mean that many families, particularly in rural areas, are unable to grow enough nutritious food. Climate change means that weather in Honduras is becoming more extreme and less predictable making it increasingly difficult to grow crops and raise livestock. Hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, droughts and forest fires are common.
Criminal violence in Honduras is high and is closely linked to poverty and social exclusion. Violence against women in Honduras is on the rise. Any curfews or lockdown that is put in place to combat coronavirus will likely worsen violence and domestic abuse. Women often face discrimination, violence and have little power to make their own decisions. Women often have insecure jobs and receive lower wages then men.
Indigenous people in Honduras face additional problems of social, political, and cultural exclusions with deep-seated racial discrimination leading to a repression of their culture. Indigenous communities often have fewer years of education and reduced access to basic health services and economic opportunities.
CAFOD in Honduras
CAFOD has worked with local partners and communities in Honduras since 1968. Together we are:
Promoting human rights and access to justice for land and natural resources with a focus on indigenous people and women.
Reducing poverty among rural families through sustainable farming techniques adapted to climate change to improve communities’ crop production, nutrition and ability to earn a living.
Supporting new income channels for poor families through small enterprises, cooperatives and solidarity economy groups.
Providing holistic care for people living with HIV and AIDS and promoting prevention through counselling, medical visits and education.