Set up a club
Register now to receive your free CAFOD club starter box.
Set up a pupil-led CAFOD club at your school and download our termly activities.
A CAFOD club will help your pupils to take the lead in putting CST into action, supporting the Catholic life and mission of your school.
Register to set up your club and you will receive a CAFOD club box with a world map, banner, stickers, badges, pencils, rulers, a certificate and a special club prayer. Online plans and activities are updated termly.
CAFOD clubs are a great way to join with other Catholic primary schools to help build a brighter world.
Register now to receive your free CAFOD club starter box.
Check out our guide to help you set up a club with your pupils.
Check out our activity ideas for the Jubilee Year!
Letter for parents, certificate and contact information.
Download our prayer resources for CAFOD Clubs.
Download our special CAFOD Clubs song!
It's the Jubilee Year! Find out how you can be a sign of hope in the world in our suggested activities for your CAFOD club.
An activity for CAFOD clubs to explore issues of injustice.
An activity for CAFOD clubs to explore the causes and consequences of poverty.
Explore what it means to be a good leader in this activity.
Use this starter activity to think about how we can all build a brighter world.
An activity to explore responses to poverty.
Find out how to set up a CAFOD club and how your pupils can help to build a brighter world.
A pupil-led resource for CAFOD club members to share how they are building a brighter world.
A pupil-led resource for CAFOD club members to share how they are building a brighter world.
Are you setting up a new club this term and need more materials for new members?
Visit our children's pages for global activities and games.
Watch these films about our work.
We'd love to hear about your club's activities. Tag us on Twitter!