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Advent calendar 2024 - 22 December

Meera and Marwi, outside their new home

Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.

Luke 1:45

In today’s gospel, Mary and Elizabeth, having both received surprising news of their pregnancies, are preparing to become mothers for the first time. While it is joyful news, it is also challenging. We witness them turn to each other in love and embrace the promise that God will be with them.

The two women affirm, share and celebrate the blessing they have been given. In their joyful encounter they support each other as they look forward to what God is doing in and through them.

Women throughout the world today face unexpected and challenging situations. When devasting flooding hit Pakistan two years ago, Meera gave birth to baby Marwi just as her home was destroyed. The family moved into a temporary shelter at the roadside, but soon became ill as there was little food and only contaminated water to drink.

Fortunately, CAFOD’s local partner was providing mobile health services in the area and Meera hurried to bring her children to the clinic for the life-saving medicines and treatment they needed.

She tells us “My baby is now two years old, healthy and doing well...The main difference between the time of the flood and now is that, while we were homeless and living in camps along the roadside, we are now living in our own home.”

This Advent, let’s pray that we will be inspired by the encounter of Mary and Elizabeth – inspired with openness to encounter and be in solidarity with all members of our global family; inspired with faith to hold onto God’s presence and promises; and inspired with the courage to proclaim God’s Kingdom.

Advent prayer

Faithful God,
you always keep your promises.
Strengthen our trust,
as we long for your Kingdom
of joy and encounter.


In Pakistan, trucks are painted to celebrate local people, places, events and stories. Watch the DEC’s video about a mobile health clinic, funded by CAFOD, and painted to tell the stories of flood survivors supported by the appeal, recognising their courage and resilience.

Pray with us

Pray with us

Use our range of prayers to pray for all our sisters and brothers throughout the world