Easter prayers
Pray with us this Easter as we give thanks and praise to Christ who is risen.
Tools and training to fight the climate crisis will mean more families like Dristy’s will be able to create a better future
“This day was made by the Lord, we rejoice and are glad.”
Today we rejoice and are glad!
We rejoice that Jesus is risen from the dead, reconciling us to God.
We rejoice that even the worst injustice can be transformed by God into new life.
We rejoice that Jesus is alive and active – in the world and in us.
There are many signs of the new life of the resurrection in our world today. It can be seen in the care for our common home shown by those we have read about this Lent, like Rupali and Dristy in their eco-village, in the courage of the peacemakers and human rights defenders and in the unfailing generosity of CAFOD volunteers and supporters here in England and Wales.
As we celebrate Easter today, let us rejoice in the resurrection and all the signs of hope we can see in the world. And let’s share our hope that, through God’s grace, a better world for all people is possible.
Christ is Risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Risen Jesus,
we give you thanks
for the new life and hope
you bring us.
Make real your risen life among us
so that, filled with your abundant love,
we may renew the face of the earth.
Thank you for all your prayers and support for the work of CAFOD throughout Lent. Without you, none of our work would be possible.
Use our Easter prayers as you celebrate this season of joy, hope and new life.
Pray with us this Easter as we give thanks and praise to Christ who is risen.