Cultivating educational and cultural paths favourable to peace in Colombia from the Magdalena Medio
Executive summary of the final report of the external evaluation of the project
This project was implemented through the Call for Proposals on the Theme of ‘Civil Society Organisations for Peacebuilding and Development in Colombia’, Lot 4: Peace Education and Culture, CAFOD and CPDMM.
The general objective of this project evaluation is to demonstrate the impacts generated by the project, taking into account especially the perspective of the target groups, the beneficiaries and the sustainability of the project.
Specifically, the evaluation focused on:
Evidence of project achievements, through the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, sustainability, impact and quality.
Review of documents and products achieved within the framework of the project, together with the analysis and synthesis of viable ideas and suggestions provided by key project actors.
Investigation ofthe external and internal factors related to the achievement of the objectives, measures aimed at achieving sustainability of the results proposed by the actors based on their experience.
Making recommendations on how to ensure the sustainability of the project, including the sustainability of the accompanied organisations.
The project was supported by the strategic alliance with CINEP and the Colombian Ministry of Education (MEN) and at the municipal level with the participation of an important number of actors from the education, participation and social development sectors. It had a duration of three years - March 2018 to February 2021, with an extension until 31 May 2021 - and was geographically located in 9 municipalities of the Magdalena Medio sub-region.