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CAFOD is committed to ensuring the application of the commitments within our safeguarding policy and related procedures and systems across the breadth of our work, including its application through our work with partners.

Key principles

  • Safeguarding is a shared responsibility, with all parts of the organisation and all levels of staff involved in ensuring a welcoming, inclusive, dignified and safe environment for those who come into contact with us.

  • All  partners must share our commitment to safeguarding and we have a responsibility to help them meet minimum standards.

  • All CAFOD representatives have a responsibility to act when there is a perceived or actual breach of our safeguarding policy or code of conduct and/or a risk of harm to children or vulnerable adults. Anyone who brings concerns or allegations to the notice of CAFOD will be responded to sensitively, respectfully and seriously.

  • Any reported concerns or allegations about breaches of CAFOD’s safeguarding policy or code of conduct will be investigated in accordance with the relevant policy and procedure(s).

  • Confidentiality is paramount and information relating to safeguarding concerns or allegations will only be shared on a need-to-know basis.

  • The principle of the best interest of the child is the primary consideration in all safeguarding matters.

  • Support will be made available to survivors where there have been concerns or allegations of some form of harm or maltreatment by a CAFOD representative. 

  • CAFOD is committed to holding perpetrators to account. Sexual exploitation and abuse constitute acts of serious misconduct and are therefore grounds for disciplinary measures for staff, including dismissal.