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Africa - Nigeria - Nurse with child

A nurse helping a malnourished child in Nigeria

CAFOD has supported programmes in Nigeria since the 1960s. We work closely with local partners to fight inequality, build peace and provide practical help in emergencies.

Why CAFOD works in Nigeria

In Nigeria, CAFOD and partners are working in fragile communities where long-term weak governance structures, policies, practices and community leadership result in the marginalisation of women, girls and other vulnerable groups, youth restiveness, environmental degradation and the inability of people to cope with natural and man-made disasters.

The problem has been exacerbated by social and economic imbalance, breakdown of law and order, uncoordinated development, regional instability, and an increase in violent extremism and terrorism. Women, girls, young people, and the poorest and most vulnerable are directly affected by these problems.

Our work in Nigeria

Your donations are helping us to:

  • provide emergency relief to families who have lost their livelihoods due to conflict, man-made or natural disasters

  • support women facing violence, drawing on our experience in empowering women and girls to challenge harmful traditional practices

  • work with faith leaders to help poor and disadvantaged people to have a voice within government and promote peaceful coexistence

  • help communities to plan for disasters and rebuild their lives after an emergency hits

  • engage communities, especially women and youths, in strengthening resilience in the face of climate change with adaptable agriculture and sustainable livelihoods.

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What we do

CAFOD is the official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

With your help, we reach out to people living in hard-to-reach places, in war zones and those who are discriminated against.