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LiveSimply in your school

LiveSimply in your school

Sign-ups for the LiveSimply award for schools have been paused temporarily while we update our programme.

Let me know when sign-ups reopen

The LiveSimply award is open to Catholic schools and colleges within England and Wales.

To apply for the LiveSimply award your school needs to commit to nine faith-inspired actions demonstrating you are living simply, sustainably, and in solidarity with the world's poorest communities.

By signing up to LiveSimply, your school will impact our global family, your local community and your school community as you reflect the teachings of Jesus, Catholic Social Teaching and Laudato Si’ along your journey. 

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St Patrick-s Coventry

100 schools achieve LiveSimply Award

In a momentous occasion for Catholic schools across England and Wales, 100 schools have now achieved the LiveSimply Award.

This accomplishment is a testament to the commitment and dedication of over 30,000 pupils in primary and secondary schools across England and Wales.

Planning LiveSimply

LiveSimply global, local, and school ideas

Some ideas for actions that will impact our global community, your local community or your school community as you demonstrate living simply, sustainably, and in solidarity with the world's poorest communities.