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LiveSimply in your school

LiveSimply in your school

The sign up facility for the LiveSimply award for schools will be back open very soon

Let me know when sign-ups reopen

The LiveSimply award is open to Catholic schools and colleges within England and Wales.

To apply for the LiveSimply award your school needs to commit to nine faith inspired actions demonstrating you are living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with communities around the world experiencing poverty.

By signing up to LiveSimply, your school will impact our global family, your local community and your school community as you reflect the teachings of Jesus, Catholic Social Teaching and Laudato Si’ along your journey. 

Watch more videos about LiveSimply

St Patrick-s Coventry

100 schools achieve LiveSimply Award

In a momentous occasion for Catholic schools across England and Wales, 100 schools have now achieved the LiveSimply award.

This accomplishment is a testament to the commitment and dedication of over 30,000 pupils in primary and secondary schools across England and Wales.

Planning LiveSimply

Resources to use in school

LiveSimply stickers

LiveSimply stickers template compatible with Avery recycled paper labels, square 40x40mm blank, or A4 sticker sheets.

A great way to encourage your pupils to chat with their families about their LiveSimply actions.

LiveSimply pledge resources

A helpful PowerPoint to explain living simply, living sustainably, and living in solidarity with the world's poorest communities, to give pupils/students ideas for creating their own LiveSimply pledge. Teachers script and pledge template also available.

LiveSimply posters, characters and letter to parents

Download posters to support your LiveSimply journey.
Make your own resources with the LiveSimply characters and logos.
Letter to parents to tell them your school is working towards becoming a LiveSimply school.

LiveSimply assembly

Use our assembly to help pupils understand what the LiveSimply award is and to make the connection between their faith and caring for the world and our global neighbours.