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Explore our free resources for Catholic secondary schools to understand and get involved with the UK general election in 2024.

Teach students about the international impact of a general election.

  • Use our standalone video (approx. 5 minutes)

  • Or extend it by using our form-time learning activity (20 minutes) using the Do It Now activity, card sort and application activity.

  • Print a postcard with the three important questions to ask your local candidate. If you want to ask additional questions we've provided others.

Tell us about your activity! We would love to know what action you've taken after using our resources. Please fill in this short form

General election resources for young people

General election .png

General election resources for primary schools

Use our workshop and PowerPoint and template manifesto to explore how the general election will affect our global neighbours.

Go further

CAFOD, Christian Aid, Send My Friend to School and Oxfam have created a series of resources for schools to help young people engage in the UK General Election.