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I am the Lord your God, the one who wants to teach you for your own good and direct you in the way you should go.

Isaiah 48:17

Sometimes we can feel lost in life, or not sure of the way ahead. In those times, it is important to remember that God shows the way. How can we make sure we are listening for this, and that we try to follow where God leads?


Some of you may be wearing your Christmas jumpers either at school or at home today. Even if you can’t dress up, you can design your own Christmas jumper using this template. Think about what is important about Christmas and how we can wait in hopeful expectation for the gift of Jesus to us all.

Jumper template

Teach Someone to Read.jpg

World Gifts

Today’s World Gift helps children learn a really important skill – how to read.

Melissa lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She used to have no home, and couldn’t afford to go to school. Melissa was helped to go to a CAFOD funded school and learned to read and write. She now wants to go to university and become a lawyer or a journalist.

World Gifts

World Gifts

World Gifts are CAFOD's charity gift range of unusual, ethical presents that will delight your friends and family.