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He has filled the hungry with good things.

Luke 1:53

In today’s scripture we hear Mary’s joyful song, the Magnificat. She is celebrating the gift that God has given her, but also has provided to the whole world. We are getting ready to celebrate Christmas, but let’s also remember those who provide for us today.

Who has given you ‘good things’?


Food can be a celebration too. Here is a recipe for decorative stained glass window ginger biscuits.

Gingerbread biscuit recipe

Marvellous Moo Cow_cutout.jpg

World Gifts

Wilmer lives with family in Nicaragua. With ever increasing extreme weather, local farmers like Wilmer struggle to farm enough food to keep their families fed.

Thankfully, CAFOD’s work with local experts means that Wilmer has received training on how to look after cows. He now knows how to keep the cows healthy so they produce more milk. One cow produces enough milk for Wilmer and his family. He hopes to raise more cows so he can sell even more milk and cheese.

World Gifts

World Gifts

World Gifts are CAFOD's charity gift range of unusual, ethical presents that will delight your friends and family.