Big Lent Walk
Wednesday 14 February - Saturday 30 March 2024
Sign up for the Big Lent Walk and you'll help communities thrive in even the most difficult environments.
““If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me.” ”
In today’s gospel, Jesus says to his disciples that following him is not easy. We are at the very beginning of Lent, a time where we give things up and spend more time in prayer and reflection. Even though Lent feels like a long time, Jesus is with us on the journey. What can we ask for Jesus’ help with today?
One of the ways we can follow Jesus is by caring for our global family. Take some time today to learn about fourteen-year-old Dristy who lives in Bangladesh.
Wednesday 14 February - Saturday 30 March 2024
Sign up for the Big Lent Walk and you'll help communities thrive in even the most difficult environments.
Visit our children's pages for global activities and games.