Our Father prayer collection
Turn to God in prayer with this collection inspired by the Our Father and the themes of Laudato Si'.
“Give us today our daily bread”
Many of us know the words of the Our Father by heart. Perhaps we even say the words automatically, without thinking about their meaning.
Today let us imagine that, like the disciples, we are listening to this prayer for the first time. What could it be teaching us about God and the world we share?
We are not asking God for more than we need. We are asking for enough for today. Nor are we asking just for ourselves. It is not “my” daily bread that I pray for, but “ours”. Enough for everyone.
Pray the Our Father together as a family. Take your time and pay attention to each word and phrase.
Take a look at our Our Father prayer collection for further inspiration.
Turn to God in prayer with this collection inspired by the Our Father and the themes of Laudato Si'.
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