A range of free resources from CAFOD to use with young people in secondary schools or parish youth groups as part of the Celebration of the word.
Use these resources to integrate prayer for global justice into assemblies, collective worship, liturgies, carol services and other special gatherings of the school community.
Celebrations of the word for young people
Confirmation Liturgy
Lent liturgy (can be used for Ash Wednesday)
Reconciliation Service for young people
A justice-themed reconciliation service for Advent, Lent or any time of the year.
Refugee pilgrimage for young people
Romero cross liturgy
Stations of the Cross for young people
Transition liturgy for Year 7
We Remember assembly for young people
Secondary assemblies
Search whole school assemblies and liturgies.
The liturgical year
Liturgical year resources to use in Catholic schools.
Celebration of the word pack
A full resource pack to help plan pupil-led Celebration of the word.