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Big Lent Walk - Walk to Easter

Big Lent Walk - Walk to Easter

Walk 40km in 8 days to help fight global poverty

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Join us for the Big Lent Walk in 2024! By taking on the challenge of walking 200km in 40 days, you will be part of a massive team helping people as they overcome poverty.

We are incredibly excited about the Big Lent Walk 2024, and would love for you to join us as we walk, run, roll or stroll 200km in the 40 days of Lent.

In 2024 we will be joined by SCIAF, as we take The Big Lent Walk to the whole of Great Britain!

Donate now

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Join the walk to fight poverty

Our team of Big Lent Walkers have together already clocked up nearly 40,000 kilometres! It’s not too late to join them yourself – or sponsor someone else who is taking on the challenge this Lent.

Put your faith into action this Lent

CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk makes it simple to put your faith into action this Lenten season by connecting with your local and global community in a meaningful way.

Whether you take part as an individual, school or parish community group, the money you raise will enable people around the world to fight poverty.