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Coronavirus is a crisis that affects us all. But it continues to affect the most vulnerable communities the most. Our local experts are working round the clock to respond to the developing needs of the communities we work with around the world.

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How can I help?

In order to continue protecting and improving the lives of those in poor communities, your gifts are needed now more than ever.

Help communities rebuild by donating today

Your continued support can:

  • Help parents feed their children and make a living.

  • Bring life-giving water into homes.

  • Give children the chance to go to school and grow up to be doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs and inspirational leaders around the world.

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Asia - India - Coronavirus response in India

CAFOD supported Caritas India's response to the second wave of coronavirus in the country

With you by our side, our local experts and community volunteers can ensure help reaches the most vulnerable communities before the virus does. We continue to support those most in need, as they need it.

How is coronavirus affecting vulnerable communities?

Families without enough to eat and without access to clean water, possibly living with HIV or other underlying health conditions will be particularly vulnerable to coronavirus.

The long-term effects of the virus will be devastating. In many countries, a strict lockdown means that many people will suffer a huge loss in income, pushing people further into poverty and putting millions at risk of hunger and malnutrition. 

How is CAFOD responding?

Our mission has always been to work for a world where every woman, man and child can not only survive, but live independently, with dignity and hope.

On 30 April 2020 we launched an emergency appeal for funds, and with your incredible support we have raised over £4 million. 

So far, we have funded over 90 separate projects in over 30 countries. While we prioritised responding to emergency levels of need, we are adapting our long-term development work to ensure that people are able to continue to earn a living, and that children can continue their education in a safe environment.

By working together with our local experts, we are reaching some of the most vulnerable and excluded with food and clean water, reducing suffering and saving lives.

When India faced the devastating impacts of the second wave of coronavirus in April 2021, we responded to the needs of the most vulnerable. We will continue to extend our help to those most in need and to work with communities to help them rebuild and thrive again.

"We would like to say thank you for sending these cylinders which are already being sent to the interior of Amazonas State.  We thank Caritas who acted as intermediary for this delivery from CAFOD."

Dom Leonardo Steiner, Archbishop of Manaus, with a message of thanks to supporters for the delivery of oxygen cylinders in Brazil.