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Emergency Response Team

Emergency Response Team

A monthly gift to our Emergency Response Team means we can be there whenever disaster strikes.

Start your monthly gift now

Working with our local experts on the ground, we know what people need as soon as a disaster strikes and where the need is greatest.

We work in areas affected by emergency situations, whether they make the news headlines or not.

Help us continue to be present when disasters strike by making a monthly donation to our Emergency Response Team.

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Appeal launched: February 2023

Money raised: £2,427,000

On 6 February 2023, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit near the Türkiye-Syria border, followed by a 7.5-magnitude aftershock. The disaster killed over 53,000 people and left many homeless.

Our local partners, supported by our generous donors, aided over 50,000 affected individuals with shelter, food, water, and medical aid, and provided winter kits.

Although our Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal is now closed we continue to support millions of people affected by both the ongoing civil war and aftermath of the earthquake in Syria.

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal closed image

Beirut Emergency Appeal

Appeal launched: August 2020

Money raised: £440,000

Over 6,500 people were injured in the explosions and approximately 100,000 children saw their homes either completely or partially destroyed. The loss of homes often results in overcrowded households and communities, thus raising other risks such as Covid-19 transmission.

Our local organisations and volunteers were responding on the frontlines, assisting in hospitals and helping the injured.

Beirut appeal closed image

Coronavirus Appeal

Appeal launched: April 2020

Money raised: £4 million

On 30 April 2020 we launched an emergency appeal for funds, and with your incredible support we have raised over £4 million. 

With the funding raised, we have funded over 90 separate projects in over 30 countries. While we prioritised responding to emergency levels of need, we were also adapting our long-term development work to ensure that people are able to continue to earn a living, and that children can continue their education in a safe environment.