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Act today to help the people of Sudan

Act today to help the people of Sudan

The war in Sudan has forced millions of people to flee their homes, creating one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises. The situation is quickly getting worse, and people caught up in the middle of the conflict are now facing yet another crisis – hunger.

People are running out of food, water and medicine and many families continue to risk their lives fleeing their homes to escape the fighting. Please donate today to help meet these urgent, basic needs.

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As violence persists into its second year, the humanitarian situation deteriorates rapidly, with 25 million Sudanese in need of immediate assistance. Famine looms ominously, threatening to become the worst crisis in living memory.

Telley Sadia, CAFOD’s Country Representative for Sudan

Sudan is in crisis

The UNHCR estimates that almost 25 million people – around half of Sudan’s population – are in urgent need of help. Unless the violence ends and humanitarian aid is increased, according to recent research 8 million people could be at risk of famine by June 2024.

Since the war broke out a year ago in 2023, CAFOD has continued to send financial support to our local partners to urgently scale up their emergency response. 

Our local partners are not only supporting people who have been forced from their homes within Sudan. They are also supporting refugees from neighbouring countries who have previously sought refuge in Sudan and their host communities who now find themselves in dire need of emergency aid such as water, food and medicine. 

Our partners have been providing emergency food packages to those people who have been forced to leave their homes, refugees, and to communities hosting them. They are also preparing for the distribution of cash vouchers to vulnerable families, so they can buy essentials like food, water and hygiene products themselves. 

Other CAFOD partners have been handing out hygiene kits that help with basic cleaning to prevent the spread of diseases.