CAFOD uses the telephone to contact supporters and potential supporters.
Our agency - NTT
We work with NTT to deliver telephone campaigns. NTT was established in 1988 and is one of the UK's leading telephone fundraising agencies with nearly 30 years of experience.
When we speak to you we always check that you are happy to take the call and at any time you can ask that we stop calling.
Training of callers
CAFOD directly briefs and trains the callers who work for NTT in order to make sure that they fully understand what the charity does and why. Callers are paid an hourly rate to speak to our supporters.
Calls are recorded
All the calls made by NTT are recorded and stored. CAFOD quality-check calls on a weekly basis to ensure that the charity is represented accurately.
Outbound number
NTT will display an outbound number of 020 8137 7213 when making a phone call on behalf of CAFOD.
We do not share details
We'll never share your details for marketing. Read more in CAFOD's privacy notice.
Contact us for more information
Phone: +44 (0)303 303 3030
Calls answered 9.30am–5.30pm, Monday–Friday.