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COP28: How you can campaign to call for action on the climate crisis

9 November 2023
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Leaders gathering for COP28 in the United Arab Emirates must commit to speed up the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, as well as provide more support for communities on the frontline of the climate emergency.

The COP28 climate summit will take place at the end of what is set to be the hottest year on record.

Leaders gathering for the 2023 UN climate talks, which start on 30 November, will be doing so in the final weeks of a year that has seen climate disasters affect communities worldwide.

Forest fires have forced people to flee homes and hotels in the Mediterranean. Floods in Libya have killed thousands. And away from the front pages, tens of millions of people in East Africa have been struggling to access food due to the worst drought in more than 40 years.

This is why Pope Francis has said the world is approaching “breaking point”. The Holy Father has warned that we are running out of time to avoid even worse climate catastrophes for people in communities that have contributed least to causing the climate emergency.

It’s crucial we add our voices to the Pope’s call for leaders at the COP in the United Arab Emirates to put the interests of our global family first. We’ve set out some of the ways you can campaign with CAFOD to call for leaders to take the action we need at the COP.

Share Pope Francis’ COP28 message with your MP

Pope Francis has published a new message on the climate crisis in the run-up to COP28, demanding that leaders at the talks commit to speed up the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

The message from the Pope, called Laudate Deum, also urges rich countries to agree how to provide financial support for countries that have suffered irreversible ‘loss and damage’ as a result of the climate crisis.

The Pope is so determined to call for action at COP28 that he's going to attend the talks himself. We’ve produced a summary of the Holy Father’s message and an easy way to share this with your MP in the run-up to the COP.

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COP28 ends with agreement to 'transition away from fossil fuels'

The UN COP28 climate summit has ended with nearly 200 governments agreeing a call for the world to “transition away from fossil fuels”.

The agreement marks the first time all governments have formally acknowledged the world must move away from fossil fuels.

Take to the streets to call for climate action

We’ll be marching in London on Saturday 9 December to call for action from leaders at COP28 in the final days of the summit.

The march will be one of countless protests taking place around the world demanding that leaders commit to action before COP28 ends.

UK - Southwark - No faith in fossil fuels climate march April 2023

CAFOD supporters will be taking to the streets of London to share Pope Francis' COP28 message and demand action from leaders

Like Pope Francis, we’ll be calling for leaders to push for an end to the fossil fuel era, so we’ll be carrying placards reminding leaders we have ‘No faith in fossil fuels’.

Join us as we march in solidarity with those on the frontlines of the climate emergency.