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Thank you for supporting people like Omar through your donations to our Advent Appeal 2023.

Support like yours has helped families survive the harshest conditions and rebuild their lives after disasters. Thank you for being there when families like Omar’s needed you most.

‘We’re so grateful for the funds our supporters provide to continue our work through our local partners in Afghanistan… who are very experienced, and able to continue working in very challenging situations’. – Grace How, CAFOD Country Rep

Advent Appeal Update - Afghanistan Image

Cash assistance to families in Afghanistan

As you may remember we told you about the story of Omar who lives in the remote mountain region of Afghanistan. Temperatures can go down to -25°C and with heavy snowfall, communities are left isolated. It has been difficult for them to get food, fuel, and warm blankets.

Omar received cash which means he could decide what he needed to buy to ensure his family survived the winter.

The cash distribution programme helps people to buy food, fuel and clothing as well as helping children to go to school.

Thanks to your support we are able to help more people like Omar. Khadija is a widow who lives in Afghanistan with her six children. She has also faced the difficulties of the cold winter and does not have any source of income. Our local partner provided Khadija and her family with food parcels, so she and her children could have three full meals a day.

Receiving foodstuff packages has saved our lives. I am grateful.


CAFOD programmes supporting Afghan women

In Afghanistan, women and girls have seen their rights destroyed under Taliban rule, as well as being extremely affected by conflicts. Local organisations that we are supporting are helping women to speak out and amplify their voices.

Support like yours helps our local partners in Afghanistan continue their vital work.

Your support is helping people earn a living to support their families - including providing training for women to start businesses and earn money independently. It is helping communities prepare for the worst, so when a disaster happens - like the earthquake that shook Afghanistan in October - they can protect themselves, their homes, and the lives they’ve built. It is helping women stand up for their rights safely and promoting respect for basic human rights.

Participating in the awareness session helped us to know the rights that are granted to each woman and girl in Islam. I will share this information with my household and women and girls in my community.

Participant in women’s livelihood and women’s right project.

To hear more about our work with women in Afghanistan you can watch our webinar.