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Defending indigenous women’s rights in the Peruvian Amazon

9 August 2023
“Equality” by indigenous artist Sadith Silvano, Peru.

“Equality” by indigenous artist Sadith Silvano, Peru.

On 9 August we celebrate International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, an important moment to raise awareness of the rights of indigenous communities around the world and celebrate their unique cultures, languages and way of life.

While indigenous communities make up less than 5% of the world’s population, they represent 15% of the world’s poorest peoples, making them among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups worldwide.

Globally, indigenous communities often face political, legal, economic and social discrimination and are often treated as second-class citizens. As a result of this discrimination, indigenous communities often have limited access to health services, education and employment.

In Peru, around 25% of the population identify as indigenous and it is common for their human rights to be violated. For indigenous communities living in the Amazon, their rights to land are often threatened and families are at risk of eviction from their homes. This is often due to illegal gold mining and logging which cause serious harm to the environment but that also have significant health implications. Water sources are often polluted with mercury and communities often see an increase in respiratory and skin conditions.

Comunidad nativa San Salvador -Pucallpa

Comunidad nativa San Salvador -Pucallpa

Indigenous ancestral traditions in Peru and worldwide are often at risk, as these practices are undervalued and access to information is limited. Many indigenous communities in Peru such as the Awajún, Shipibo-Konibo and Harakbut peoples migrate to cities like the capital Lima for better employment opportunities often leading to a loss of their cultural identity.

Indigenous women in the Peruvian Amazon, like many women in Latin America are especially vulnerable to gender-based violence because of social norms which normalise violence towards women and control over women’s lives. Women are often seen as being “less” than men and have very few opportunities to express their opinions and take on leadership roles.

In response to all these challenges, our church partner CAAAP (the Amazonian Centre for Anthropology and Practical Application) is working alongside indigenous women in the regions of Madre de Dios, Ucayali, Amazonas and Lima to support them in standing up for their individual rights and indigenous people’s rights.

Reclaiming indigenous cultures

Women from the Amazon play a crucial role in maintaining indigenous culture and are often seen as educators, fighters, and creators in their communities. Their ancestral knowledge about the relationship between the human and spiritual world and their connection to the earth is very rich and women have historically maintained indigenous culture through their native language, songs and storytelling.

Peru-women-reclaiming ancestral traditions

Women are learning to reclaim their ancestral traditions in Pucallpa, Peru. Photo: CAAAP

Our partner CAAAP is working with indigenous Amazonian women to help them share and revalue their ancestral practices for example their indigenous cosmovision of what it means to live well in the Peruvian Amazon, including learning on how they care for the environment, their food and sources of life and how to strategically share this information to keep this knowledge alive.