Prayers of Remembrance
Find comfort in times of sadness and reflect on the lasting impact your loved ones have made with our beautiful prayers of remembrance.
Please keep Rabiul and his family in your prayers. May he rest in peace.
We are sorry to have to share the tragic news that Mahinur’s son, Rabiul – who you may remember from our Lent appeal – has died of a fever. He was receiving treatment, but in the end the doctor at his local clinic was not able to save him.
We will remember Rabiul as a boy who took great joy in life, even though things weren’t always easy for him. Rabiul enjoyed singing songs. He liked spending time outside with his friends, watching them play or swimming with them in the river. And he loved to tell stories. That was perhaps when he was happiest – when he was thinking up colourful, imaginative stories to make his mum laugh.
We know this news will sadden all of you who were touched by the family’s story and donated so generously to our appeal. Your gifts have already begun to help in so many ways - we only wish there was nothing but good news to tell.
Since we shared Mahinur’s story with you at Lent, her family have been part of a new project in southern Bangladesh helping communities adapt to the changing climate and earn a living. Mahinur has been able to start saving some money from selling duck eggs, and she hopes to buy a cow in the future. With your support she will also be able to afford a goat to add to her income, and she will receive training in specialist farming techniques so her crops will survive and grow healthy, even in the harshest weather.
Our local experts will continue to help Mahinur and Khalek, Rabiul’s father. And they will be there to support them through this difficult time in any way they can.
We asked Mahinur whether she would want us to share this news publicly. The loss of a child is such a personal tragedy, and the last thing we would ever want to do is cause her any further pain. But she said she wanted us to tell you. And she asked if you would please pray for Rabiul’s soul to rest in peace.
Please remember Rabiul, Mahinur and Khalek in your prayers this week. May he rest in peace.
We have set up a candlelight fund for Rabiul. If you would like to give a gift in his memory, your donation will go towards projects protecting children around the world.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.
Find comfort in times of sadness and reflect on the lasting impact your loved ones have made with our beautiful prayers of remembrance.