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Our renewed commitment to the poorest people

11 February 2019

This film is about one of the brilliant aid professionals you help to support – and how his local experience helps some of the most vulnerable people in his remote community.

Isacko Jirma is one of our local experts from the Church who is supporting the hardest-to-reach and most marginalised communities, thanks to donations from people like you.

Kushi has struggled since losing all her animals in a devastating drought. She is just one of the people in a remote part of Kenya who Isacko and his team have come out to help.

Watch the film above to hear more of their stories

CAFOD’s commitment to the poorest people

At the beginning of 2019, we are renewing our commitment to the poorest people in our human family around the world. We believe that no one should be beyond the reach of the love and support they need to thrive. Through our global Church family, we have the ability to reach so many more of those who need our help.

We believe no one is outside God’s love

As Catholics, we are driven by the belief that if one of us is hurt, hungry or abandoned, we all are hurt, hungry and abandoned. No one is outside God’s love.

But at CAFOD we are forced to turn away one in three requests for help because we don’t have enough money to go around.

Donate today to reach out to support life-saving projects

We have the potential to answer all requests for help

Our global Church network has a local presence in 165 countries. Together, we make up one of the largest aid networks in the world. With your help, we have the potential to reach everyone who asks us for help.

Watch the film to learn more