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Advent calendar 2023 - 11 December

Hassan* works to get much-needed aid to remote, mountainous areas of Afghanistan.

…but as the crowd made it impossible to find a way of getting him in, they went up on the flat roof and lowered him and his stretcher down through the tiles into the middle of the gathering, in front of Jesus.

Luke 5:19

The efforts of the friends in this story are truly impressive. They physically dismantle a roof to get their paralysed friend in front of Jesus. This active faith is rewarded, as the paralysed man receives both forgiveness and healing. 

This same hope and perseverance can be found among the local communities and organisations with whom CAFOD works around the world.  Hassan*, a trusted partner in Afghanistan, works to get much-needed aid to remote, mountainous areas of the country.  

These locations are vulnerable to natural disasters and people living there have extremely limited employment opportunities. Many are suffering from acute malnutrition. As world attention is being diverted from the crisis in Afghanistan by other global situations, such as the conflict in Ukraine, Hassan acknowledges that his work is very challenging but nevertheless he promises, “We will be here for as long as it takes.”  

This Advent, let’s pray for Hassan and all those showing such courage and determination as they seek to bring hope and healing to our global family. 

*Name changed to protect his identity. 

Advent prayer

Lord Jesus,
You call us friends and promise never to leave us. 
Teach us to be good friends to all our global family,  
just as you have been to us. 


Listen to the CAFOD Voices of Change podcast as we celebrate voices that inspire hope. 

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Voices of Change

Voices of Change

Join us on the CAFOD podcast as we celebrate the voices that inspire hope and positive change.