Pray with us
Use our range of prayers to pray for all our sisters and brothers throughout the world
The people who have gathered to celebrate the birth of John are filled with awe as Zechariah’s power of speech is returned to him. They share the wonderful events with others and treasure them in their own hearts.
In this busy period, let’s take some time to dwell on what we have treasured in our hearts this Advent. To thank God for the gifts of this season. To ponder where God’s word has consoled or challenged us. To be attentive to where God is working in our lives.
As we draw close to the celebration of Christmas, let’s prepare to welcome Christ ever more deeply in our hearts so we may reach out with love to our wounded world.
Faithful God,
may we always treasure your love for us
and be ready to share it with others.
Spend some time in prayer and reflection today.
Use our resources to inspire you.
Use our range of prayers to pray for all our sisters and brothers throughout the world