Prayers for peace
Pray for the gift of peace for all those facing conflict.
In our world today 2.4 billion* people live in countries affected by war and conflict. That’s 35% of the world's population.
The conflict in Syria has lasted more than 12 years, leading to a humanitarian crisis in the country. Millions of people live without access to food, shelter, medication or education. The devastating earthquakes last February served to worsen the situation of people who were already living on the edge.
Firaz is one of those made homeless by the war. Despite his own challenges, he began working with a local organisation that supports people experiencing difficulties to make a living, whatever their background.
“We don’t differentiate between religions,” Firaz explains. “What matters is the human being. We work on principles of solidarity, equality, dignity. Harm, pain and death do not differentiate between Muslims and Christians. It strikes everyone.”
The vision of Isaiah we hear about today is one of peace. Swords will be hammered into ploughshares, spears into sickles. People will live together side by side in peace and there will be no more war. Let us pray and work so that this vision may become a reality.
* 2022 Global Peace Index
God of peace,
we pray for our troubled world, so full of conflict and pain.
Give us grace to prepare for your coming
by being peacemakers in our homes, our communities
and our global family.
Pray for the gift of peace to bless us all, especially those who are facing conflict in whatever form.
Pray for the gift of peace for all those facing conflict.