Prayers in a time of emergency
Prayers to use when an emergency strikes.
A house built on rock
“And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
Earlier this year intense rainfall in Afghanistan led to a series of devastating flash floods, making the humanitarian crisis worse. The crisis was caused by several years of drought, major earthquakes in 2023 and long-term conflict.
More than 500 people died or suffered serious injuries in the floods. Many families lost everything. Homes and possessions – all swept away. Crops and livestock, essential for survival, were destroyed, leaving families facing unimaginable hardship.
Jesus’ story today reminds us how important it is not just to hear his words, but to put them into action, like the wise builder in the gospel.
So, in this Advent season, we open our hearts to God’s word and what it means for our lives. We commit ourselves once more to care for our world and all our global family, especially those who are most vulnerable.
God our refuge,
we pray for all impacted by floods,
especially the people of Afghanistan.
May we listen to your word and act upon it
so all people can flourish without fear.
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Prayers to use when an emergency strikes.