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Join us in praying this Harvest as we celebrate God's gifts and seek to respond with gratitude and generosity.

Harvest prayer 2024: Praise be to you, O God

Praise be to you, O God,
source of life and goodness.
You fill the earth with abundance
and love all that you have made.
As we join creation in singing your glory,
teach us to care for our common home.

Praise be to you, O God,
revealed in Jesus, God with us.
We hear the call of the Carpenter,
to carve a path to a better future.
Guide our hands to repair what’s broken,
to build a just and peaceful world.

Praise be to you, O God,
who enfolds us with the Spirit,
to call us deeper into the heart of love,
to comfort and disturb.
Give us strength and courage
to work with you to make all things new.


Seeds of hope

Generous God, we thank you
for the gifts you have given
for all people to share.
We plant seeds of hope
and nurture them as we seek
a harvest of plenty for all.

Forgive us for the times these seeds
fail to take root in our hearts.
We grieve when homes and crops
are washed away by floods,
when lives are uprooted by disaster,
or trampled by fear and greed.

Living God, you lead us
to a new way of being.
Move us to help one another
in our times of need,
to care for the earth and
to love one another,
sharing your harvest with all.


Catherine Gorman/CAFOD

For a harvest shared by all

St Francis of Assisi,
your whole life sang in harmony
with God, nature and others.

With you, we praise God for Brother Sun,
full of beauty and splendour,
warming the earth,
summoning shoots
from darkness into daylight.

We praise God for Sister Water,
so useful and humble,
precious and pure,
greening arid ground,
growing life in desert places.

Pray for us Francis, that, like you,
we may care for all that exists,
until Brother Sun and Sister Water
produce a harvest shared by all,
in love and solidarity,
justice and peace.


Kathleen O'Brien/CAFOD

The richness of your harvest

Thank you for the smile
of the child:
eyes bright, belly full, licking
the last caked crumbs from his spoon.

Thank you for the pride
of the woman:
arms spread, palms stretched, heavy
with her first year's harvest.

Thank you for the joy
of the man:
coming home to his family's future
with fair payment for his crops.

Thank you for the love
of the neighbour:
seeing another's need, sharing
from the little she owns.

Thank you for the hope 
that we share:
determination that all should enjoy
the richness of your harvest.


Journey with us

The scorched earth,
and all those who hunger
cry out to the Lord:

Journey with us, O God,
and pour out your mercy upon us.

Hand in hand, we plant seeds,
water crops, protect shoots as they grow.
Together, we pray:

Journey with us, O God,
and pour out your mercy upon us.

The dry land rejoices, the people sing for joy
as life blooms and the harvest is gathered.
In hope of this vision, we pray:

Journey with us, O God,
and pour out your mercy upon us
like the morning dew,
so that together we may build a brighter future,
a future of plenty for all.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Catherine Gorman/CAFOD

Take action

Harvest Appeal

You can help inspirational local experts reach people like Meera in times of crisis.

Family Fast Day

Your support this Fast Day will mean hardworking people like James can feed their families for good.

Fix the food system

Catholics across England and Wales have sent messages urging the government to rethink our global food system.