Our Father prayer collection
Turn to God in prayer with this collection inspired by the Our Father and the themes of Laudato Si'.
The green landscape in Kenya after the rain
“The rain and the snow come down from heaven… giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater.”
The reading from Isaiah today uses the image of rain and snow nourishing the ground and causing life to spring forth, to talk about the word of God.
Bishop Peter Kihara of Marsabit in Kenya reflects on the wonderful difference that rain has made in the dry and arid landscape of his diocese:
“We always say the rain is a blessing. I hope also in your country, you say the same… Those seeds of the grass were alive all those years. And it became so green and beautiful. They covered all our stones and sand. Wow, how beautiful it is!”
In the same way that the rain softens the earth, allows the seed to grow and transforms it into something new, the word of God softens our hearts, causes us to grow and transforms our lives.
This Lent as we reflect, we could think of ourselves as a dry landscape. Perhaps we can allow the word of God into our being, spend time with it. In doing so, we cannot help but be changed as the word flourishes within us.
What is being said to us today? What seed of hope, love, joy or peace is sprouting in your heart as you make time to listen to God’s voice? How will this seed transform your life and lead you to live differently?
God of life, pour out your mercy upon us and lead us to grow in your love, so that as the rain brings new life, we may seek to bring change in our world. Amen.
In today’s gospel, Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray. Make time to pray the Our Father today, reflecting on the words as you watch this video of the Our Father spoken in many different languages.
Turn to God in prayer with this collection inspired by the Our Father and the themes of Laudato Si'.