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Lent calendar 12 March

Fish caught in Liberia.

Fish will be very plentiful, for wherever the water goes it brings health, and life teems wherever the river flows.

Ezekiel 47:9

The prophet Ezekiel tells of a river that teems with life and causes fruitful trees to grow. Fish will be plentiful and the water will bring health to all.

Abundant fish are the dream for fishermen and their families in Liberia. If they have a good catch, they have enough to eat and sell so they can save for the future.

One major problem they faced was storage. Keeping fish fresh for sale is vital. The project we support provides solar freezers close by, free of charge. Before, fishing families had to pay to transport the fish to cold storage, eating into their profits.

The fishermen’s wives have been sharing what they have learnt with their husbands, so that there is less wastage on the boats. As Vivian explains:

“Because of the training I got from the project… I encourage Tekon to take a box fishing. He places the fish into the box. I put ice in there and he keeps them fresh there.

“Before the box, he might put the fish in the canoe – it might not be washed and have bacteria. We might have ten to fifteen fresh fish. They would be spoiled. They would smell and wouldn’t be good. Currently, we hardly have any spoiled fish.”

Our hope is of a world that reflects Ezekiel’s vision, where food is plentiful, life-giving water flows, and all people can share in the gifts given to us by God.

Let us work together this Lent to make this vision a reality.


Creator God, we thank you for the wondrous gifts of creation. Inspire us to take only what we need, so that your people may benefit equally from the gifts you give us all. Amen.


Explore our A to Z of fundraising ideas and think about how you could raise money to support more people around the world like Vivian to earn a better living.

Our A-Z of fundraising ideas

Our A-Z of fundraising ideas

Our fundraising ideas include fun and quirky ways to raise money and can be done online, at home, with family and friends, or on your own.