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Image - Lent calendar 13 April

The crowd waved palms as Jesus entered Jerusalem

Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’

Luke 23:34

Today’s two gospel readings set the stage for the contrasts of Holy Week: jubilant crowds hail Jesus as he triumphantly enters Jerusalem; angry crowds call for Jesus’ execution. Yet both stories speak to us about Jesus’ path of non-violence.

At the start of Passover, Jesus rides into the city of Jerusalem, not on a powerful war horse but on a borrowed donkey. As he does so, he calls to mind Zechariah’s prophecy of the king who will come riding a colt and banish the weapons of war, proclaiming peace to the nations.

As he is crucified, Jesus cries out, “Father, forgive.” Even on the cross, in the face of immense suffering, God's love cannot be defeated by violence. His victory is not through force or power, but through the selfless act of giving himself for others.

As we enter Holy Week, we grieve for the peace we long to see in our world. We grieve for all those locked in the destructive cycle of violence and retaliation. We grieve for all those suffering because of war and conflict.

May the Hosannas we sing today be a commitment to pray and work for God’s ways of reconciliation and healing to come into our own lives and our world.


God of peace, we pray for those who suffer because of violence and conflict. Make us a people of peace, bringing hope to our wounded world. Amen.


We pray for healing for lives damaged by violence; we pray that leaders protect their people from conflict; and we pray for peace to transform our world.