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“Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.”
Today’s gospel returns us to Bethany, to the house where Mary, Martha and Lazarus live. Mary does not speak as she anoints the Lord with the precious perfume, yet her message is prophetic and priestly as she prepares Jesus for his death.
Just as Jesus will do, Mary pours herself out in a remarkable act of grace and tenderness. Her response to God’s love is overflowing in its gratitude and generosity.
This Holy Week, as we reflect on this extravagant gift, let’s ponder how we might be inspired by Mary’s open-handed and loving actions to recognise Jesus and minister to him as he appears in our lives today.
Abundant God, you reach out to us in love. Open our hearts to the needs of others, and make us generous in our response. Amen.
Please give generously to our Lent Appeal.