Lokho in Kenya is working together with her community to rebuild after drought
“First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”
We are reminded today that we must be reconciled with our brothers and sisters if we are to live in a way that is pleasing to God.
As children of God, we are part of one global family. What happens to one of us, affects all of us.
We are also reminded that both faith and actions are important. We cannot just do the right thing out of habit, or routine. We must do it out of love for God and for others. God does not judge us as other humans do. God knows what is truly in our hearts.
We are called to act justly towards one another, to ensure that everyone has a fair share of God’s gifts and to forgive one another for the times that we have got it wrong.
We think especially today, on Family Fast Day, of our brothers and sisters throughout the world who face poverty and injustice. If we eat more simply than usual on this day, our own hunger reminds us of the hunger faced by too many other people in our world. People like Lokho in Kenya, who is working together with her community to rebuild after drought and produce more food to feed their children.
God of hope, renew our faith and move us to action as we commit to building a fairer world. Light up our lives with your love so that we may be signs of hope. Amen.
Please join in Family Fast Day by eating more simply and donating the money that you save to our Lent appeal.