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Image - Lent calendar 16 April

Ralia* was abused as a domestic worker in Saudi Arabia

Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priest and said, ‘What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?’ And they paid him thirty pieces of silver.

Matthew 26:14-15

Today is often called ‘Spy Wednesday,’ with the focus on Judas’ betrayal of Jesus, whom he sells for 30 pieces of silver.

As, we spend time with this story, we may think of the people sold in our world today. More than 40 million people worldwide are victims of human trafficking and modern slavery. Women, men and children are forced into sexual exploitation, abusive domestic servitude, organised crime and exploitative forms of labour as migrant workers.

Ralia* left Bangladesh for Saudi Arabia to seek employment as a domestic worker. She was tortured and abused, and finally, when too weak to work, she was discarded. “I was no use to them anymore,” she recalls. “They left me with no food or water and on my last day in captivity, I nearly died.”

In spite of the many challenges she faced, Ralia managed to return home to Bangladesh and was offered psycho-social support by CAFOD’s local partner, OKUP. This grassroots migrant organisation in Bangladesh helps survivors deal with the trauma they have faced, and teaches them skills to begin a new life.

As we reflect today on our Lord’s suffering, as he was betrayed and sold for a few coins, let us pray for the women, men and children across the world who find themselves tricked, trapped and traded.

* Name has been changed


Holy God, you know what it is to be betrayed and sold. We hold in your love all victims of trafficking. Inspire us to work for an end to modern slavery, so all people may be free to flourish with full human dignity. Amen.


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