Stations of the Cross
Our Stations of the Cross resource is a journey of transformation, and can be used on your own or in a group.
Brother Myers, a pastor, outside his church in Liberia.
“Unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest.”
Jesus knows that the hour is coming for him to be glorified. Reflecting on this reading, Brother Myers, a pastor in Liberia, shared these thoughts:
“Jesus was talking about his death. He was trying to say that if the Son of Man doesn’t go to the cross, salvation won’t take place. Deliverance won’t take place. Before the wheat germinates, it needs to die.
“Jesus says he has come to die, he will be resurrected, the gospel will spread…. He was talking about himself when he was talking about the wheat.
“The seed must die to bear fruit. Healing will come. He must die to be resurrected. Go to the cross, redeem your life.”
In today’s reading, Jesus is clear that he cannot turn away from what lies ahead. Let us, then, not turn away from the difficult things that lie in our future, or that we can see in the world around us at this time.
Instead we trust that God is with us as we face them, and as we walk alongside one another seeking a future of peace and justice for all.
God of sacrifices, help us to follow you and to serve you. Lead us to new life with you, and work through us so that we may better reflect your kingdom of peace here on earth. Amen.
As we start to look ahead to the Passion of Christ, reflect on the Stations of the Cross today and/or share our resource with your parish or group.
Our Stations of the Cross resource is a journey of transformation, and can be used on your own or in a group.